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Neat scores during Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses in Exloo

July 31, 2024

Retrospective Subli Competition Exloo 2024

On Friday, July 26, during the dressage competition in Exloo, a competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was also on the program. The class for four-year-olds was won by a wide margin by Ineke van Adrichem and her horse Presto. Among the five-year-olds, rider Svenja Grimm dominated, finishing in first and second place respectively with Dom Perignon and Best Secret.

Nice leading group in the four-year-old dressage horses

In the class for four-year-old dressage horses in Exloo, 11 competitors started. Judges Ellen van den Berg and Jolanda de Nekker were very pleased with the nice leading group. Judge Ellen says, "We saw some very fine combinations that were nicely presented, especially in the top of the standings. Ineke van Adrichem entered the ring first with her horse Presto and she immediately left a good impression. She rode a nice harmonious test with a strong walk. For next time she could only ride a little bit more. But still a good score of 79.00% and a clear victory. Wendy Kuiken's horse Preston who finished second also showed a good stride. A very nice horse, he could only be ridden a little more towards the hand. The same goes for number three Ilse van Cranenbroek with ChemXpro Prestwick. Definitely a nice horse with potential for the future, but he could develop a bit more."

Chilean Svenja Grimm dominates in the five-year-olds with two top horses

Five competitors competed in the class for five-year-olds. The combinations were judged in the arena by judges E. C Beijer and J. F. Sijp. There was one rider who dominated this class and that was the Chilean Svenja Grimm who comes to the Netherlands every year during the summer season to compete here. In Exloo she took both the victory with the horse Dom Perignon with a score of over 81% but was also second with her other topper Best Secret with a nice score of over 78%. Third place was for Ingrid Gerritsen who rode her horse Oliver Twist to a total of 73.720%.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Exloo July 26, 2024


1 Ineke van Adrichem, Presto, 79.00%
2 Wendy Kuiken, Preston SB, 75.00%
3 Ilse v. Cranenbroek, ChemXpro Prestwick, 71.60%


1 Svenja Grimm Dom Perignon, 81.08%
2 Svenja Grimm Best Secret, 78.08%
3 Ingrid Gerritsen Oliver Twist, 73.72%

Register for the next Subli Competition
The next selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on September 1 in Tolbert. Look for the complete agenda and the intermediate rankings of the Subli Competition on theĀ Subli Competition page.