Judith Ribbels and Kim Alting top in Subli Competition Exloo
June 28, 2022
Under beautiful weather conditions, Sunday, June 26, a selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held at Hippisch Centrum Exloo. In the class for four-year-olds Judith Ribbels stood head and shoulders above the competition and won convincingly with her horse Nanny Mc Phee. The class for five-year-old dressage horses was won by Kim Alting with Madison Ave.
The competition in Exloo was judged by judges Mascha Reijs and Linda Kanninga who look back on the competition with satisfaction. Judge Linda Kanninga says afterwards, "We saw a very varied and talented group of horses in the ring. In the five-year-olds, Judith Ribbels with Nanny Mc Phee was the clear winner with a score of 83.00. Nanny Mc Phee is a very beautiful big-framed horse who already showed a lot of carrying and balance for her young age. She walked very easy and well through the track and was presented very nicely by Judith. We especially noticed the good self-carriage, especially for a four-year-old horse. The second place was for Bart Veeze who went very nice and easy through the track with Nero. Nero could only have a little more balance and sometimes be a little more open in the bridle. But certainly a very talented horse with an appealing image. On the third place Wendy Kuiken ended with Nick Wimphof. A very talented horse with a lot of quality, only today he was just a bit too distracted by the surroundings which came at the expense of the exercises."
The class for five-year-old dressage horses had a small field of seven competitors. The judges quickly agreed on the winner. Linda says: "Madison Ave ridden by Kim Alting is a very nice horse with lots of suppleness and good gaits. This combination showed a very neat and nice test and was for us the clear winner of this class. The number two Maigret vd Watermolen, presented by Elizaveta Orekhova, is a very big and tough horse with a lot of potential for the future. Today there were still just a bit too many faults which you then see back in the points."
Results Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses June 26, Exloo
1. Judith Ribbels - Nanny Mc Phee 83.00
2. Bart Veeze - Nero, 79.00
3. Wendy Kuiken - Nick Wimphof, 76.80

Judith Ribbels was the strongest in the class for four-year-old horses with Nanny Mc Phee. Second place was for Bart Veeze with Nero.
1. Kim Alting - Madison Ave, 77.40
2. Elizaveta Orekhova - Maigret vd Watermill, 73.20

Kim Alting was the winner of the five-year-olds with Madison Ave.
The next competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will be held on July 9 in Wapenveld. View the full calendar of the Subli Competition