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Dinja van Liere and Kim Alting take win at Subli Competition selection competition in Tolbert

Subli Competition Tolbert 2024

On Sunday, September 1, a league competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held in Tolbert. In the class for four-year-olds the victory went convincingly to Dinja van Liere with the stallion Succession. In the class for five-year-olds Kim Alting with Oreo K won by a wide margin.

Olympic rider Dinja van Liere scores high marks with four-year-old breeding stallion Succession

The classes for four- and five-year-old dressage horses were judged in Tolbert by judges Pauline nispen and Marie-Louise Moerings. In the four-year-olds a large field of competitors started and especially in the top of the standings there were nice scores. Olympic rider Dinja van Liere has many young horses under saddle in addition to her own top horses. One of them is the four-year-old stallion Succession with whom she scored high in Tolbert. The combination achieved a total of 83.00%, good for first place. Rubén Mengual Reig finished second with Pablo Geuzenhof with almost 3% difference behind Dinja. Third place on the podium was Karlijn Van Vugt with the stallion Forrest de Jeu who was praised by the judges for his switching ability.

Kim Alting shines with Oreo K in the five-year-olds

In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, one combination stood out in Tolbert. Kim Alting showed that she and the chestnut stallion Oreo K make a fine combination. Their test was rewarded by the judges with a score of 82.00%, which earned her first place. Vai Bruntink competed two horses in Tolbert and managed to put down a nice test with both of them and reach the podium. However, the difference between the two mares in terms of score was very small. With a score of 78.20% she finished second with Oletaire and third with Olympia W with 78.00%.

With only two selection matches left, what does the intermediate standings look like?

With two more selection matches remaining before the semi-finals in mid-December in Harmelen, we can already take stock of the standings. The two highest results from the selections count for placement in the semifinals. When all selections are completed, the best 15 horses in each age group will receive an invitation to the semi-final on December 14.

Intermediate four-year-olds

After their victories earlier this season in Delft and Aerdenhout, Bart Veeze with Roman Empire still leads convincingly in the four-year-olds. Behind them is José van Haaren with Perfect Rhythm, thanks to her two second-place finishes in Aerdenhout and Werkendam. Alvaro Rodriquez Siscar with Patheon and Rosa Vlaar with Papaya Van De Nethe both take third place for now. However, there are several combinations that have only been in action once and did win their competition that time. So anything can still happen in the last two qualifiers.

Intermediate five-year-olds

In the five-year-olds, the differences between them are very small. With only a small lead, Shona Slinger with Oreo is now in the lead. This combination won the competition in Aerdenhout and came second in Werkendam. She is closely followed by Svenja Grimm with Best Secret. The Chilean rider is in third place in the standings with her other trump card Dom Perignon. But also in this class anything can still happen and the cards can be dealt differently in the last two qualifiers.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Tolbert September 1, 2024

Four-year-old horses

1 Dinja van Liere, Succession (by Secret) 83.00%
2 Rubén Mengual Reig, Pablo Geuzenhof (Don Olymbrio), 80.60%
3 Karlijn Van Vugt, Forrest de Jeu (Fürst Dior), 79.80%

Five-year-old horses

1 Kim Alting, Oreo K (by Vivaldi), 82.00%
2 Vai Bruntink, Oletaire (by Ebony), 78.20%
3 Vai Bruntink, Olympia W (by Ebony), 78.00%

Register for the next selection competition
Only two more selection competitions to go! The next selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on October 4 in Varsseveld. Look for the complete agenda and the intermediate rankings of the Subli Competition on the Subli Competition page.

Neat scores during Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses in Exloo

Retrospective Subli Competition Exloo 2024

On Friday, July 26, during the dressage competition in Exloo, a competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was also on the program. The class for four-year-olds was won by a wide margin by Ineke van Adrichem and her horse Presto. Among the five-year-olds, rider Svenja Grimm dominated, finishing in first and second place respectively with Dom Perignon and Best Secret.

Nice leading group in the four-year-old dressage horses

In the class for four-year-old dressage horses in Exloo, 11 competitors started. Judges Ellen van den Berg and Jolanda de Nekker were very pleased with the nice leading group. Judge Ellen says, "We saw some very fine combinations that were nicely presented, especially in the top of the standings. Ineke van Adrichem entered the ring first with her horse Presto and she immediately left a good impression. She rode a nice harmonious test with a strong walk. For next time she could only ride a little bit more. But still a good score of 79.00% and a clear victory. Wendy Kuiken's horse Preston who finished second also showed a good stride. A very nice horse, he could only be ridden a little more towards the hand. The same goes for number three Ilse van Cranenbroek with ChemXpro Prestwick. Definitely a nice horse with potential for the future, but he could develop a bit more."

Chilean Svenja Grimm dominates in the five-year-olds with two top horses

Five competitors competed in the class for five-year-olds. The combinations were judged in the arena by judges E. C Beijer and J. F. Sijp. There was one rider who dominated this class and that was the Chilean Svenja Grimm who comes to the Netherlands every year during the summer season to compete here. In Exloo she took both the victory with the horse Dom Perignon with a score of over 81% but was also second with her other topper Best Secret with a nice score of over 78%. Third place was for Ingrid Gerritsen who rode her horse Oliver Twist to a total of 73.720%.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Exloo July 26, 2024


1 Ineke van Adrichem, Presto, 79.00%
2 Wendy Kuiken, Preston SB, 75.00%
3 Ilse v. Cranenbroek, ChemXpro Prestwick, 71.60%


1 Svenja Grimm Dom Perignon, 81.08%
2 Svenja Grimm Best Secret, 78.08%
3 Ingrid Gerritsen Oliver Twist, 73.72%

Register for the next Subli Competition
The next selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on September 1 in Tolbert. Look for the complete agenda and the intermediate rankings of the Subli Competition on the Subli Competition page.

Subli Competition in full swing: review of Wapenveld and Werkendam

Subli Competition in Wapenveld and Werkendam

Last weekend there were two competitions of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses on the program. Saturday, July 13, a large field of participants started at Riding Association De Schaapskooiruiters in Wapenveld. One day later, on Sunday, July 14, a selection competition took place at Riding Association Klavertje Vier in Werkendam. At both competitions the participants achieved great results in the classes for four- and five-year-old dressage horses.

Subli Competition Wapenveld

In the class for four-year-old dressage horses in Wapenveld, 14 participants showed their tests to the judges present. Although the weather this day was not cooperating with a lot of rain, high points were scored. There was one combination that stood out. With a stunning score of 91.00%, Ruben Menqual Reig and the very talented GLOCK's Pablo Picasso left the competition far behind. The stallion with three superb gaits excelled particularly well in the trot, which the judges awarded a 9.5. But the combination, who is trained by Hans Peter Minderhoud, also scored an amazing 9 for the canter. Second place went to Rosa Vlaar who rode her chestnut mare Papaya Van De Nethe to a very nice score of 81,00%. Right behind, Bart Veeze with Pina Colada M finished in third place with a score of 80.60.
In the class for five-year-olds, 7 competitors started. The Westphalian-bred Kuups Fürst Fredo won convincingly with his rider Annebel Rootveld with a nice score of 79,20%. The Oldenburg gelding Best Secret finished second and received a total score of 76,20% under the saddle of Svenja Grimm.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Wapenveld July 13, 2024


1 Ruben Menqual Reig, GLOCK's Pablo Picasso (by GLOCK's Taminiau), 91.00%
2 Rosa Vlaar, Papaya Van De Nethe (by Escamillo), 81.00%
3 Bart Veeze, Pina Colada M( by Governor), 80.60%


1 Annabel Rootveld Kuups Furst Fredo (by First Selection), 79.20%
2 Svenja Grimm, Best Secret (v.Bonds), 76.20%

Subli Competition Werkendam

On Sunday, July 14, the tests for four- and five-year-old dressage horses were judged in Werkendam by judges Patrick Berends and Janine van Twist. Especially in the class for four-year-olds the scores were very close together at the top of the standings. After his fine performance the day before in Wapenveld, Bart Veeze competed again in Werkendam, this time with Pride in the class for four-year-olds. The judges were very impressed by the chestnut stallion who showed three very strong gaits. The trot and canter were even rewarded with a 9. The neat test resulted in a total score of 83.40% and a narrow victory in the four-year-olds. The difference with the number two was very small. José van Haaren managed to impress the judges by presenting her horse Perfect Ritme very nicely. For her test with the talented black gelding, José received a score of 83.00% and second place. Again a nice result for this combination, after also a second place during the Subli selection competition last month in Aerdenhout. Third place was for the bay stallion Patheon LE who, under the saddle of his rider Alvaro Rodriquez Siscar, received a neat score of 79,20% from the judges.
In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, six competitors competed. The black stallion One Million and his rider Robin Heiden managed to impress the judges the most. The combination managed to convince especially thanks to three good gaits and a neat test that was rewarded with a score of 83.00%. Second place with a total of 78,60% was for Femke de Laat with her horse Oromance.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Werkendam July 14, 2024


1 Bart Veeze, Pride (v.Secret), 83.40%
2 José van Haaren, Perfect Rhythm (by Lord Europe), 83.00%
3 Alvaro Rodriquez Siscar, Patheon LE (by Hermes), 79.20%


1 Robin Heiden, One Million (by Vivaldi), 83.00%
2 Femke de Laat, Oromance (by For Romance), 78.60%

Register for the next Subli Competition
The next selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on July 26 in Exloo. Look for the complete agenda and more information on the Subli Competition page.

Bart Veeze and Shona Slinger score high points in Subli Competition Aerdenhout

On Sunday, June 23, the second selection round of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held in Aerdenhout under perfect weather conditions. In the class for four-year-olds it was again Bart Veeze with Roman Empire who overwhelmed the judges with a wonderful score of 89,90%. The victory in the class for five-year-old dressage horses went to Shona Slinger who scored a top score of 90.40% with her horse Oreo.

Bart Veeze wins with Roman Empire for second time in a row

Both classes were judged in Aerdenhout by judges Paula Osterholt and Jolanda Leonhardt. The class for four-year-olds had a small field of eight combinations. Two of them managed to leave a lasting impression on the judges by scoring very high points that were very close together. José van Haaren rode her horse Perfect Ritme to a wonderful score of 87.80%, but it was Bart Veeze with Roman Empire who managed to score even higher and eventually took home the victory. The second time in a row for this talented four-year-old stallion. Bart looks back on his test with satisfaction: "It went really well and Roman Empire was very concentrated. What are his strong points? Well, mainly that he has no weaknesses. He has three very strong gaits. In Aerdenhout we got nines again for the walk and trot and a 9.5 for the canter. He always pays attention and is very easy to ride. He just gives you as a rider an incredibly good feeling. You really don't come across such a talented and easy horse very often. My plan was to ride two Subli selections in a row now. With these scores we have already qualified for the semi-finals at the end of the year. Now it is time to slow down, after all he is still a young horse. We are very consciously looking at his competition schedule and what he can handle. But now so first some vacation."

Shona Slinger achieves a stunning top score in the five-year-old class with Oreo

In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, 13 combinations competed. The highest score of the day was for the black Toto Jr. stallion Oreo under the saddle of Shona Slinger. With a great score of 90.40%, they stayed well ahead of the competition. Second place went with a score of 85.00% to Annemijn Boogaard and Oxxi Lena, who also achieved good results in the four-year-olds last season of the Subli Competition. Right behind, Amber Hage with the stallion Odysseus P finished third with a total of 84.40%.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Aerdenhout June 23, 2024


  1. Bart Veeze, Roman Empire (s.Romanov), 89.80%
  2. José van Haaren, Perfect Rhythm 87.80%


  1. Shona Slinger, Oreo (by Toto Jr.) 90.40%
  2. Annemijn Boogaard, Oxxi Lena (v.Secret) 85.00%
  3. Amber Hage, Odysseus P (by Trafalgar) 84.40%

The next selection competitions of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on July 13 in Wapenveld and July 14 in Werkendam. For the complete schedule and more information please visit the Subli Competition page.

Subli Competition 2024 kicked off with superb performance in Delft

Thursday, May 16, at Manege De Prinsenstad in Delft the new season of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses started again. Immediately high scores were recorded in both the four-year-old and five-year-old dressage horses. In the five-year-olds Charlotte Fry saddled the horse Secret Lover with which she rode a top score of 92.20% and easily took the victory. In the four-year-olds, Bart Veeze rode very strongly with Roman Empire who won the class with a score of 86.60%.

Jury enthusiastic about talented combinations in Delft

The participants were judged in Delft by judges Patrick Berends and Bettine van Harselaar who were very enthusiastic about the combinations in the arena. "We have seen some fan-tas-tic horses in Delft, really enjoying it! What a lot of talented horses we have in the Netherlands," said Patrick Berends. He continued: "Roman Empire from Bart Veeze was really the best for us in the four-year-olds category. This horse is already incredibly well confirmed for his age. He has a beautiful self-carriage and shows a lot of ability to switch gears. But the highlight of the test was definitely the canter. Number two, Robert-Jan de Visser's Puma TC, also showed a lot of potential as a sport horse. Loose in body, lots of power and three very good gaits. In the finishing this combination still needs some improvement. Finally, Alvaro Rodriquez Siscar, with Patheon in third place. A very fine appealing horse with a nice self-carriage that also showed good workmanship."

Bart Veeze - Roman Empire during Subli Competition Delft

Bart Veeze with Roman Empire

High scores in the five-year-old dressage horses

For the winner of the five-year-olds' class, Charlotte Fry with Secret Lover, judge Patrick Berends was almost short of superlatives. "What a great test that was! As judges, we were really on the edge of our seats enjoying ourselves. I haven't often given such a high score of 92.20% in my career, but this was really good! This horse has three great gaits, with an 8.5 for the walk, a 9.5 for the canter and even a 10 for the trot. This trot had everything we want to see in a five-year-old horse. It was all right; the tact, the rhythm, the regularity. Just a well-deserved 10! But also the horse Extreme U.S of Renate van Uytert-van Vliet who finished second showed three very good gaits. Absolutely a very talented stallion with a lot of power and expression. A real powerhouse with a 9.5 for the trot and a 9 for the canter. The finishing could have been a little neater here and there, so there is some room for improvement there for next time. Then in third place again Charlotte Fry, this time with O'Frederic. Again very neatly and professionally presented by Charlotte. For the way of riding and the effect of the aids she managed to score very high with both horses. We also enjoyed the horse O'Frederic. What a great horse with a beautiful self carriage and beautiful length. In short, as judges we enjoyed some very talented horses in two great classes. A successful start to a new season of the Subli Competition."

Charlotte Fry - Secret Lover times Subli Competition Delft

Charlotte Fry with Secret Lover

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Delft May 16, 2024


  1. Bart Veeze, Roman Empire (by Romanov), 86.60%
  2. Robert-Jan De Visser, Puma TC (by Liverpool) 84.80%
  3. Alvaro Rodriquez Siscar, Patheon (v. Hermès) 82.20%


  1. Charlotte Fry, Secret Lover (v. Secret) 92.20%
  2. Renate van Uytert-van Vliet, Extreme U.S (by Escamillo) 87.40%
  3. Charlotte Fry, O'Frederic (by For Romance) 87.00%

The next selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on June 23 in Aerdenhout. Look for the complete agenda and more information on the Subli Competition page.

Dates Subli Competition 2024 known

The Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses is about to start again. On Thursday, May 16, the first selection competition will be held at Manege de Prinsenstad in Delft. In this leading competition four- and five-year-old dressage horses can compete with their peers.

Eight selection matches

This season's competition consists of eight selection matches, both indoor and outdoor, followed by a semifinal and, of course, the grande finale during Jumping Amsterdam. All competitions take place at beautiful accommodations with high-quality sandy bottoms. The competition is open to horses of all studbooks.

Placement in the semifinals and finals

For placement in the semifinals, the two highest results from the selection competitions will be taken into account. The best fifteen horses per age category will then be invited to the semi-finals in December. The top five of these will qualify for the exciting final that is traditionally held during Jumping Amsterdam.

From talent to the top

The Subli Competition has produced many successful dressage horses over the years. The careers of many of these horses, including well-known names such as Arlando, Capri Sonne Jr., Johnny Depp and Sir Fashion have taken off after winning this competition. "The Subli Competition is a fantastic opportunity for young horses to show what they have to offer. We are proud of the role we play in the development of young talent and look forward to a new season full of passion, performance and above all beautiful equestrian sport," said Remco Zuidam, product and sales manager at Subli.

Subli Horse Feeds support the campaign #ditdoingHorses

During Jumping Amsterdam last year, the campaign #this do horses launched by the Equestrian Sector Fund, with the aim of showing all of the Netherlands the unique bond between horse and man. Subli Horse Feeds fully supports this wonderful initiative. "Let's tell our story together. Stories of love, friendship, passion, pride, sport, togetherness, growth, perseverance, patience, fun and commitment," the campaign emphasizes. Subli is proud to be part of this movement that cherishes the special relationship between man and horse.

Subscribe to the Subli Competition

The overview of the selection competitions and the regulations can be found at the Subli Competition page. Here you will also find how registration for the various selection competitions works.

Two wins for Femke de Laat at the final of the Subli Competition

It was a top day for Femke de Laat yesterday at Jumping Amsterdam. She put down a great performance by winning both finals of the Subli Competition. In the four-year-olds she achieved a wonderful score of 89.240% with Oromance. In the five-year-olds, she won the final with the stallion Network with a score of 84.800%. With this they surpassed the competition by more than eleven percent.

Exciting competition among the four-year-olds

Annemijn Boogaard was hot on Femke de Laat's heels in the four-year-olds. With Oxxi Lena, she achieved a score of 89.040%. Dinja van Liere finished third with On Air and a score of 86.760%.

Podium places for Febe van Zwambagt and Kim Noordijk in the five-year-olds

Febe van Zwambagt captured second place in the five-year-olds with Newport, scoring 73.300%. Unfortunately, she did not remember the test and therefore rode it wrong, but despite that she still achieved second place. Kim Noordijk and This is Naqueen followed in third place with 72.600%.

Disappointment for Ribbels and Heijkoop

For Judith Ribbels and Danielle Heijkoop, the final did not go as hoped. Ribbels, only added to the start list last-minute, since Bart Veeze with Nero was out due to hoof ulcer, was ruled out because she rode the wrong test. In the five-year-olds, the FEI final test is prescribed but Ribbels assumed a free test, just as in the Subli Competition selections. Danielle Heijkoop saluted after she could not control the tension with the five-year-old stallion Nordic Blue Hors.

Final Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses 2023/2024

Results four-year-old dressage horses

  1. Femke de Laat - Oromance - 89.240%
  2. Annemijn Boogaard - Oxxi Lena - 89.040%
  3. Dinja van Liere - On Air - 86.760%
  4. Mercedes Verweij - Oliver R Tambo Sv - 84.280%
  5. Renate van Uytert - van Vliet - O'Toto Van De Wimphof - 82.880%

Winners Subli Competition Four-year-olds 2023/2024

Results of five-year-old dressage horses

  1. Femke de Laat - Network - 84.800%
  2. Febe van Zwambagt - Newport - 73.300%
  3. Kim Noordijk - This is Naqueen - 72.600%
  4. Judith Ribbels - Nanny Mc Phee - x
  5. Danielle Heijkoop - Nordic Blue Hors - x

Winners Subli Competition Five-year-olds 2023/2024

No Subli Competition final for Veeze and Nero, Ribbels and Nanny McPhee take over starting spot

Bart Veeze with Nero during the semifinals of Subli Competition 2023

Yesterday evening Bart Veeze announced that he has to cancel with Nero for the final of the Subli Competition during Jumping Amsterdam tonight. Nero, last year's winner and semi-finalist in December, is out of the running due to a nasty hoof ulcer. We are very sorry that Bart and Nero had to withdraw. We wish Nero a speedy recovery.

Starting spot to Judith Ribbels and Nanny Mc Phee

Bart Veeze and Nero's starting spot will be taken over by Judith Ribbels and her mare Nanny Mc Phee.

Start list final Subli Competition

At 7:20 p.m., the final of the Subli Competition will start with the four-year-old horses.

Finalists Subli Competition Final 2024

At 8:05 p.m., it's the turn of the five-year-old horses.

We wish all the finalists the best of luck! 

Annemijn Boogaard and Bart Veeze shine during semifinal Subli Competition

On Saturday, December 9, after eight selection competitions, it was time for the semi-finals of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses. Only the best combinations had a starting ticket for this semi-final in Harmelen. There was good competition with high scores at the top of the standings. In the four-year-old class Annemijn Boogaard rode a very strong preseason with Oxxi Lena and also during the semi-finals they performed strongly by convincingly taking the win. The class for five-year-olds was won by last year's four-year-old winner Bart Veeze with Nero.

In the four-year-olds, 12 horses were selected for the semi-finals and in the five-year-olds, 16 combinations competed. At stake was a ticket to the coveted final on January 25, 2024 during Jumping Amsterdam. Only five combinations per age group may compete in the impressive arena of RAI Amsterdam for the title in the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses.

Judges very impressed with four-year-old Oxxi Lena

Judges Adriaan Hamoen and Patricia Wolters were very impressed with the four-year-old Oxxi Lena presented by Annemijn Boogaard. Therefore, there was no doubt that this combination was going to win the class. Judge Adriaan Hamoen explained: "First of all, it is a very quality horse with three very fine good gaits. But the deciding factor was really the way Oxxi Lena was presented. So honest, flowing, nice off the hand and obvious; very nice to watch. Annemijn made everything look very easy and that really is an art. Compliments for that." The judges were also very pleased with number two Renate van Uytert with O'Toto Van De Wimphof. Adriaan: "This is a very big-framed horse with a lot of quality. He could only have been ridden a little more from the hand for even higher marks." Completing the podium was Mercedes Verweij and Oliver R Tambo Sv in third place.

Annemijn Boogaard with Oxxi Lena during the semifinals of Subli Competition 2023

Annemijn Boogaard with Oxxi Lena during the semifinals of the Subli Competition 2023

Exciting battle in five-year-old dressage class with Bart Veeze and Nero winning

There were also nice scores in the class for five-year-old dressage horses. Bart Veeze already won the final with Nero at the beginning of this year during Jumping Amsterdam in the four-year-olds and also this year in the five-year-olds the combination managed to leave a strong impression with the judges. Adriaan Hamoen says: "The top three in this class were certainly evenly matched. The scores were close together. However, Bart Veeze's Nero just stood out for us. The highlight of this horse is definitely the walk for which we scored a 9.5. But he also has a great canter, with lots of jump and ease. Kim Noordijk came second just behind with This is Naqueen. This big-framed horse has three good gaits and was presented super correct. But sometimes we also saw some moments of tension. This is a combination we can still expect a lot from." Third and fourth place went to Femke de Laat with Network and Nashville Sw, respectively. Thanks to her good performance in the semifinals, Femke is her own reserve for the final in Amsterdam. The rider is only allowed to start one horse in the final and therefore has to choose who she takes to Amsterdam. That means that number 6 Febe van Zwambagt with Newport will also be delegated to the final.

Bart Veeze with Nero during the semifinals of Subli Competition 2023

Bart Veeze with Nero during the semifinals of the Subli Competition 2023


Only five combinations per age division may compete for the win during the exciting final at Jumping Amsterdam. The following combinations will enter the dressage ring at the Amsterdam RAI on Jan. 25, 2024, for the title fight:


  1. Bart Veeze with Nero
  2. Kim Noordijk with This is Naqueen
  3. Femke de Laat with Network (Nashville Sw reserve)
  4. Danielle Heijkoop with Nordic Bleu Horse
  5. Febe van Zwambagt with Newport.


  1. Annemijn Boogaard with Oxxi Lena
  2. Renate van Uytert-van Vliet with O'Toto Van De Wimphof
  3. Mercedes Verweij with Oliver R Tambo Sv
  4. Dinja van Liere with On Air
  5. Femke de Laat with Oromance

Results semi-final Subli Competition Harmelen December 9, 2023


  1. Annemijn Boogaard, Oxxi Lena (by Secret) - 87
  2. Renate van Uytert-van Vliet, O'Toto Van De Wimphof (by Toto jr.) - 83.4
  3. Mercedes Verweij, Oliver R Tambo Sv (by Just Wimphof) - 81.6

Download the full list of all four-year-old horses in the semifinals here.


  1. Bart Veeze, Nero (by Ferguson) - 84.2
  2. Kim Noordijk, This is Naqueen (by Trafalgar) - 82
  3. Femke de Laat, Network (by Just Wimphof) - 79.6

Download the full list of all five-year-old horses in the semifinals here.

For more information on the Subli Competition, visit the Subli Competition page. All those invited to the final during Jumping Amsterdam: congratulations!

Start lists semi-final Subli Competition known

During 8 different Subli Competition competitions participants could collect points for a ticket to the semifinals on Dec. 9, 2023. This Saturday is finally the day! This year the semi-final will take place at Hippisch Centrum Harmelen. At the four-year-olds there will be 12 horses at the start and at the five-year-olds there will be 16 horses competing for one of the coveted spots for the final on January 25, 2024 during Jumping Amsterdam. In this article, you can see the final start lists and we have once again listed the most important details about the semifinals for you. So read on quickly.

Location semi-final Subli Competition

Equestrian Center Harmelen
Groenendaal 1c
3481 CT Harmelen


  • 09:30 to 09:50 a.m.: track reconnaissance
  • 10 a.m. to 11:04 a.m.: semifinal four-year-olds
  • 11:00 to 11:19 a.m.: break - opportunity to explore track
  • 11:19 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.: continued semifinal four-year-olds
  • 12:15 to 12:30 p.m.: track reconnaissance
  • 12:30 to 12:40 p.m.: track dragging
  • 12:40 p.m.: prize-giving ceremony for four-year-olds on horseback 
  • 1 p.m. to 2:04 p.m.: semifinal five-year-olds
  • 2:04 to 2:19 p.m.: break - opportunity to explore track
  • 2:19 to 3:23 p.m.: continued semifinal five-year-olds
  • 4 p.m.: prize-giving ceremony for five-year-olds on horseback

Start list semifinal four-year-olds Subli Competition

Ring 1
Trial 50A
Jury at C: Adriaan Hamoen & Patricia Wolters

Final start list semifinal subli competition


Start list semifinal five-year-olds Subli Competition

Ring 1
Trial 51A
Jury at C: Adriaan Hamoen & Patricia Wolters

Final start list semifinal Subli Competition

Good to know

  • Entry fee is €15.00. This must be appropriate paid in cash at the secretariat.
  • Riding with bridle number is mandatory and must be visible on both sides. The bridle number is listed on the start list.
  • The number of combinations to be sent to the final during Jumping Amsterdam: 5 for the four-year-olds and 5 for the five-year-olds.
  • There are no stalls available at Hippisch Centrum Harmelen.
  • There is no opportunity to lunge horses prior to unleashing.
  • Unleashing can only be done in the small indoor hall.

We wish all participants the best of luck during the semifinals of the Subli Competition next Saturday. If you have any questions about the semifinals, please contact us at

Femke de Laat and Danielle Heijkoop win final selection Subli Competition

On Saturday, November 11, the last selection competition of this season of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held in Berkel-Enschot. The results were very close in both classes. The class for four year olds was won by Femke de Laat with Oromance. In the class for five-year-olds the victory went again to Danielle Heijkoop with Nordic Blue Hors. This combination already won the qualifier of Tolbert.

Lots of competition in the section for four-year-olds

The class for four-year-olds had a large field of participants with 19 combinations. The horses and their riders were judged by judges Karin Retera and Janine van Twist who were very pleased with the quality of the participants. Janine explains: "A large group also means a lot of competition and this made for a wide leading group in the final results. We saw many good combinations pass by and fine young horses that were presented nicely. Femke de Laat's winning horse Oromance showed a lot of balance in the trot and a fine workable walk. Trial technique was top notch. This horse is definitely on the right track for a bright future. And also very important; he was presented very friendly and nicely by his rider Femke. Nice on his own legs and with a nice touch. Second place went to Annemijn Boogaard with Oxxi Lena. This horse has three fine gaits and scored very high in the walk. Renate van Uytert-van Vliet finished third with O'Toto Van De Wimphof. This horse has a correct walk and canter but excels especially in the trot. He received a 9 for that."

Nordic Blue Hors and Night Watch shine in the section for five-year-olds

In the class for five-year-olds, judges Mathie Boomaars and Jeanette Wolfs-Dielissen were also very satisfied with the group of riders they were allowed to judge. Jeannette says: "We have seen a nice group of horses in the ring, the quality was very high. There was also good riding by the riders, most horses were presented very nicely. Some horses were still a bit spooky, but that is not so strange for those young horses in such a competition environment. Nordic Blue Hors of Danielle Heijkoop is a very fine and sturdy horse with a strong hind leg. He was really the winner for us. He excelled in his walk and got a 9 for that. With this rider we see a good future for this talented horse. Right behind, Beni Pachl finished second with Nachtwacht. This combination stood out because of the way it was presented, very light on the hand. There was definitely a fine harmony. Nachtwacht is also a very complete horse and showed a fine relaxed test."

Balance for the semifinals

After this last selection competition in Berkel-Enschot the balance can be drawn. Only the best fifteen combinations of this season will receive an invitation to the semi-final on December 9 in Harmelen. During this semi-final only the best five combinations can conquer a starting ticket for the exciting final which will be held again this season on January 25, 2024 during the unique equestrian event. Jumping Amsterdam.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Berkel Enschot Nov. 11


1 Femke de Laat, Oromance (For Romance) - 82
2 Annemijn Boogaard, Oxxi_Lena (Secret) - 80
3 Renate van Uytert-van Vliet, O'Toto Van De Wimphof (by Toto jr.) - 79.6

Subli Competition four-year-olds Berkel Enschot

Winners four-year-olds - photo by


1 Danielle Heijkoop, Nordic Blue Hors (by Totilas) - 80.8
2 Beni Pachl, Night Watch (by Everdale) - 80.4
3 Christel Heuseveldt, No Secret (v.Secret) - 79

Subli Competition five-year-olds Berkel Enschot

Winners five-year-olds - photo by

The semi-final of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on December 9 in Harmelen. So quickly check the overview of all those selected and the final score on the Subli Competition page. All those invited to the semifinals, congratulations!

Two wins for Bart Veeze at the second-to-last Subli Competition in Varsseveld

On Friday, October 6, the second-to-last selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses competed. This was one of the last opportunities for riders to collect the necessary points towards the semi-finals. Bart Veeze did good business in both the class for four-year-old and five-year-old dressage horses, winning both classes.

Podium places for Bart Veeze, Milou Drees and Dinja van Liere at four-year-olds

In the class for four-year-olds, 19 participants came to the start. The combinations were judged by judges Monica Drohm and Ineke Jansen who put high points at the top of the standings. By a wide margin the victory went to Bart Veeze with his stallion Entertainer Number One. He impressed with the four-year-old chestnut and scored a total of 86.6 points. Second place went to Milou Drees with her bay gelding SPH Splendid with a score of 81.4. Completing the podium was Dinja van Liere who rode her stallion On Air to a total of 79 points.

Bart Veeze, Judith Ribbels and Beni Pachl in prizes in five-year-olds section

In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, 15 combinations competed. They were judged in the ring by judges Bettine van Harselaar and Ellen van den Berg. The highest score of the day and the win was again for Bart Veeze who had saddled Nero for this class. With an overwhelming score of 89.6 he won his second qualifier with the five year old Ferguson gelding and can not escape participation in the semi-finals in Harmelen. Judith Ribbels also performed very well again with her mare Nanny Mc Phee and took second place with a score of 83.4. Beni Pachl received 82.4 points for his test with Nachtwacht and finished third.

Only one selection race to go

With only one selection competition left on the program this season, this is a good time to take stock of the standings. The last chance for riders to select for the semi-finals is the league competition on November 11 in Berkel Enschot. After this competition the best fifteen combinations will receive an invitation to the semi-final which will be held in Harmelen in mid-December. During this semi-final only the best five combinations can win a starting ticket for the exciting final which will be held again this season on January 25, 2024 during the unique equestrian event Jumping Amsterdam.

Who are the biggest contenders for a spot in the semifinals?

In the four-year-olds, three combinations are invariably in the lead with all three scoring 35 points: Aniek de Laat with Oostrade, Dinja van Liere with On Air and Mercedes Verweij with Oliver R Tambo SV. Further down in the standings it is getting a lot more exciting and there are still several combinations that have a chance for a starting ticket for the semi-finals.
In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, there are currently two combinations convincingly in the lead: Bart Veeze with Nero and Febe van Zwambagt with Newport. Both combinations already have two victories to their name this season. Also for the class for four-year-olds, halfway through the standings anything can still happen. Which combinations may eventually compete for a coveted final ticket in Harmelen, depends on the results of the last selection round in Berkel Enschot.

Results Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses Varsseveld October 6, 2023


1 Bart Veeze, Entertainer Number One (by Escamillo) - 86.6
2 Milou Dees, SPH Splendid (by Sir Donnerhall) - 81.4
3 Dinja van Liere, On Air (by Fontaine) - 79

Winners four-year-olds Subli Competition Varsseveld

Winners four-year-olds Subli Competition Varsseveld


1 Bart Veeze, Nero (by Ferguson) - 89.6
2 Judith Ribbels, Nanny Mc Phee (by Vitalis (Capriool)) - 83,4
3 Beni Pachl, Night Watch (by Everdale) - 82.4

Winners five-year-olds Subli Competition Varsseveld

Winners five-year-olds Subli Competition Varsseveld

The final selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will take place on November 11 in Berkel Enschot. For a complete overview of the intermediate rankings and more information please visit the Subli Competition page.