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Judith Ribbels and Kim Alting top in Subli Competition Exloo

Under beautiful weather conditions, Sunday, June 26, a selection competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held at Hippisch Centrum Exloo. In the class for four-year-olds Judith Ribbels stood head and shoulders above the competition and won convincingly with her horse Nanny Mc Phee. The class for five-year-old dressage horses was won by Kim Alting with Madison Ave.

The competition in Exloo was judged by judges Mascha Reijs and Linda Kanninga who look back on the competition with satisfaction. Judge Linda Kanninga says afterwards, "We saw a very varied and talented group of horses in the ring. In the five-year-olds, Judith Ribbels with Nanny Mc Phee was the clear winner with a score of 83.00. Nanny Mc Phee is a very beautiful big-framed horse who already showed a lot of carrying and balance for her young age. She walked very easy and well through the track and was presented very nicely by Judith. We especially noticed the good self-carriage, especially for a four-year-old horse. The second place was for Bart Veeze who went very nice and easy through the track with Nero. Nero could only have a little more balance and sometimes be a little more open in the bridle. But certainly a very talented horse with an appealing image. On the third place Wendy Kuiken ended with Nick Wimphof. A very talented horse with a lot of quality, only today he was just a bit too distracted by the surroundings which came at the expense of the exercises."


The class for five-year-old dressage horses had a small field of seven competitors. The judges quickly agreed on the winner. Linda says: "Madison Ave ridden by Kim Alting is a very nice horse with lots of suppleness and good gaits. This combination showed a very neat and nice test and was for us the clear winner of this class. The number two Maigret vd Watermolen, presented by Elizaveta Orekhova, is a very big and tough horse with a lot of potential for the future. Today there were still just a bit too many faults which you then see back in the points."

Results Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses June 26, Exloo


1. Judith Ribbels - Nanny Mc Phee 83.00
2. Bart Veeze - Nero, 79.00
3. Wendy Kuiken - Nick Wimphof, 76.80

Judith Ribbels was the strongest in the class for four-year-old horses with Nanny Mc Phee. Second place was for Bart Veeze with Nero.


1. Kim Alting - Madison Ave, 77.40
2. Elizaveta Orekhova - Maigret vd Watermill, 73.20

Kim Alting was the winner of the five-year-olds with Madison Ave.

The next competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will be held on July 9 in Wapenveld. View the full calendar of the Subli Competition

Femke de Laat and Renate van Uytert-van Vliet strong in Subli Competition Delft

On Tuesday, June 14, the third competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held. The competitors were well matched and high scores were given by the judges. In the class for four-year-olds Femke de Laat dominated the top of the ranking and finished on top with Nashville. In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, Renate van Uytert-van Vliet was the best with My Blue Horse Santiano.

Everything was arranged to perfection at the beautiful accommodation of Manege De Prinsenstad in Delft, for both horses, riders and judges. Judges Mattie Boomaars and Marie-Louise Moerings look back on a great day with beautiful sports and strongly performing horses. Marie-Louise Moerings enthusiastically says: "We really enjoyed this day. The level of presentation was very high and we were very impressed with the quality of all the young horses in the ring. Really great to see. The Subli Competition is a pleasure to watch in terms of well-being, sportsmanship and horse-friendliness. The horses are nicely ridden loose, on their own legs, through the body and towards the hand. Without pressure and in a natural way that suits a young horse. That's how we like to see it. You notice that riders also become more and more aware of their own riding and look carefully at the right way to train a young horse. The horses we have seen in Delft almost all have a lot of future potential. Certainly of the horses at the top of the standings in both classes we are going to hear a lot more from them."

Marie-Louise continued: "I also want to give compliments to the organization in Delft because everything was top-notch. Manege De Prinsenstad is a big accommodation but there was a kind of calmness for those young horses, very nice. I think all the horses went back home this competition with a positive experience."


"Femke de Laat is absolutely a textbook example for training young horses and again in Delft she presented the two four-year-olds Nashville and Nox nicely. They are very different horses but both have a lot of quality. What I like about these horses is that they have a nice open connection. One has a bit more carrying power and the other runs a bit more through the body, but actually the differences between them are very small. We are definitely going to hear more from these horses."

Femke de Laat with Nashville


"In the class for five-year-olds, the top three did little for each other with all high scores above 82%. My Blue Horse Santiano, ridden by Renate van Uytert-van Vliet, was very well presented and showed a lot of power. Uphill he stayed nicely balanced and besides that he also showed to be able to close very well. Truly a horse with a lot of potential. Hexagon's Gorgeous Black Art and Beni Pach's Miamanda were very different horses and slightly more finely built. But both were ridden very harmoniously by Beni, with a lot of shifting ability and rideability. Also very nice to see."

Renate van Uytert van Vliet with My Blue Horse Santiano

Results Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses June 14 Delft


1. Femke de Laat - Nashville (by Secret), 83.80
2. Femke de Laat - Nox (by Furst Romancier), 83.80
3. Wendy Kuiken - Nick Wimphof (by Just Wimphof), 82.80


1. Renate van Uytert-van Vliet- My Blue Horse Santiano (by Sezuan), 83.80
2. Beni Pachl - Hexagons Gorgeous Black Art (by Toto jr), 83.40
3. Beni Pachl - Miamanda (by Toto jr), 82.6

The next competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will be held on June 26 in Exloo. View the full calendar of the Subli Competition.

High scores for Bart Veeze and Annemijn Boogaard at Subli Competition Aerdenhout

Under sunny conditions, the second competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses was held in Aerdenhout on Sunday afternoon, May 22. From the judges there was nothing but praise for the riders present with their talented horses. In the four-year-olds the results were very close, but in the end it was Bart Veeze who took the win with Nero. In the class for five-year-old dressage horses, Annemijn Boogaard was the best with Mr. Magnum Bth.

Both the class for four-year-olds and five-year-olds were judged by judges Piet Groen and Patrick Berends who were able to give very high points to the combinations. The judges were particularly pleased with the friendly manner in which the horses were presented. Patrick Berends says: "We really enjoyed seeing some phenomenal young horses, but what we especially noticed positively was that the horses were presented nicely by the riders. With a lot of harmony, nicely off the hand, from back to front and by letting the horses walk on their own legs. Exactly in a way that suits the age of the horses. That makes you as a judge really happy. Therefore kudos to all riders this competition. If they ride well, you have to reward that with good points and that's exactly what we did. We are not afraid to give high marks to combinations that deserve it."


And high marks were certainly handed out to the top three in the section for four-year-olds. Patrick continued: "The results were very close in the four-year-olds, because the horses at the top of the standings were all phenomenal. Bart Veeze's Nero (by Ferguson) was just a little bit more constant and quiet in the bridle than Femke de Laat's Nox (by Furst Romancier) and that made the small difference that made Bart first. With Nero the balance was just a bit better. He also showed a very good pure correct and step. But both horses were great. With Nox, for example, the canter was again sublime. Also the horse N (by Indian Rock) of Ingrid Ockhuisen who came third showed a lot of potential for the future, with an absolutely great trot. There was just a little bit of tension in the walk and some work could be done on the balance."


The top three five-year-olds were also rewarded with high points which resulted in finishing percentages above 80 percent. In this class, the winner emerged a bit more clearly. Annemijn Boogaard scored 83.00% with Mr Magnum Bth (by Expression) and took the victory. Patrick: "We really enjoyed Mr Magnum Bth. He walked nicely off the ground in the trot with lots of light-footedness and nice in tact. Definitely a very nice horse. But that can also be said of Mission (by Eye Catcher) who was presented nicely by Femke de Laat. Just like the number three My 7th Sunday (by In Style) of Renate van Uytert - van Vliet. All horses with a lot of potential for the future," concluded judge Patrick Berends.

Results Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses May 22 Aerdenhout


1. Bart Veeze - Nero (by Ferguson), 84.80
2. Femke de Laat - Nox (by Furst Romancier), 84.00
3. Ingrid Ockhuisen - N (by Indian Rock) 80.20


1. Annemijn Boogaard - Mr. Magnum Bth (by Expression), 83.00
2. Femke de Laat - Mission (by Eye Catcher), 81.00
3. Renate van Uytert - van Vliet - My 7th Sunday (by In Style), 80.00

Prize-giving ceremony for four-year-olds Subli Aerdenhout

Prize-giving ceremony for four-year-olds Subli Aerdenhout

Femke de Laat dominates first competition Subli Competition

On Sunday, May 1, the new season of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses started at Manege De Cavaliers-Helden in Panningen. During this first competition, which was organized for RV Klavertje Vier, it was Femke de Laat who clearly left her calling card in the four and five year olds and won both classes.

The well-organized competition in Panningen was judged in both classes by judges Karin Retera and Cindy Heijligers. Judge Karin Retera commented afterwards, "We saw a small, but very high quality field of competitors in the ring. In both the four-year-olds and the five-year-olds there was not a single participant who scored below 70% and that also says something about the quality of the horses across the board. We saw especially well-developed and correct moving horses that walk nicely in balance on their own legs. We were particularly impressed by the quality of the horses, but also by the way they were presented. The fact that the horses are presented so neatly, in a manner appropriate to the age of the horse, we think is a good development."

Three top horses

In both the four-year-old and five-year-old young dressage horse classes, Femke de Laat was placed first by the judges. In the four-year-olds Femke won with Misson (by Eyecatcher) and in the five-year-olds she came first with Nox (by Furst Romancier). Her other trump card in the five-year-olds, the black stallion Nashville (by Secret), finished just behind in second place. Femke therefore looks back on a very successful weekend. She says: "I was really super happy with the performance of all three horses. It actually could not have gone better. I feel blessed that I can ride three of these top horses. It was the first outdoor competition of the season and they all did great. I always really enjoy riding the Subli Competition competitions because it's a good experience for the young horses and you can let them get used to the competition atmosphere in peace and quiet."

Talented in their own way

Femke continued: "The five-year-old Mission I have been riding since he was three years old and is really my dream horse. We also had a very successful season last year in the Subli Competition in the four-year-olds and may participate in the selection for the World Young Dressage Horse Championships this year. Besides being incredibly handsome, he is also very good at all the exercises. He always picks up everything very quickly. In the four-year-olds I had Nox and Nashville with me, they are both very talented in their own way. I was also very pleased with their performance this competition. Overall it was a tough day with three horses, but very successful. Now on to the next Subli competition in Aerdenhout."

Results Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses May 1 Panningen


1. Femke de Laat - Nox (by Furst Romancier), 82.40
2. Femke de Laat - Nashville (by Secret), 80.20
3. Theo Hanzon - Nabuco Van Het Goorhof, 79.40


1. Femke de Laat - Mission (by Eye Catcher), 77.40
2. Kris de Vries - Freekick (by Franziskus), 73.60

The next competition of the Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses will be held on May 22 in Aerdenhout. View the full calendar of the Subli Competition.

Registration Subli Competition 2022 opened

On May 1, the Subli Competition Young Dressage Horses for four- and five-year-old horses will start again. Subli Paardenvoeders has again done its best to select beautiful locations with good grounds. The first selection competition will take place in Helden this year.

Participants for the selection competition on May 1 in Helden can still register until April 22. The Subli Competition is organized for four- and five-year-old horses to gain competition experience. The competition is open to horses of all studbooks. It promises to be a beautiful competition as of old.

Nine selection matches

This year the Subli Competition consists of nine selection competitions, a semifinal and a final. The three highest results obtained during the competition count for participation in the semi-finals. The fifteen best horses in each age group will be invited to the semi-finals and the best five horses in each age group will be invited to the finals.

Renate van Vliet with Johnny Depp during Jumping Amsterdam in 2020

Final Jumping Amsterdam

Remco Zuidam of Subli is very pleased that this year's finals can take place again as usual during Jumping Amsterdam on January 26, 2023. "Last year we had to move to Tolbert because of all the corona measures. Although we also put down a wonderful final there during the Subtop Dressage Meerdaagse, I am very happy that this year it can take place again in tradition during Jumping Amsterdam. It is the dream of every rider to be able to ride there. With the Subli Competition we can offer this unique opportunity."

Loved by big names

The Subli Competition is a popular competition for young dressage horses and is also loved by big names such as Arlando, Capri Sonne Jr, Johnny Depp, Keano RS2 and Sir Fashion. In 2021, first place in the four-year-olds went to Amber Hage with Mercurius ACM (by Dream Boy). The 5-year-olds' competition was won by Beni Pachl with Hexagons Luxuriouzz (by Johnson).


On our Subli Competition 2022 page is the overview of the selection competitions and the regulations. You can also read here how registration for the various selection competitions works.

Amber Hage and Beni Pachl win convincingly Subli Competition 2021

Thursday evening, January 13, the all-decisive final of the Subli Competition for young dressage horses 2021 was held in Tolbert. The big winner in the four-year-olds was Amber Hage who achieved an overwhelming score of 91.6 with her homebred stallion Mercurius ACM. In the five-year-olds, the win went convincingly to Beni Pachl who scored 85.6 with his Hexagons Luxuriouzz.

Amber Hage with Mercury and Beni Palch with Luxuriouzz

For both classes five competitors had selected themselves for this final through the previous selection competitions and the semi-final on December 11 in Harmelen. Traditionally, the final of the Subli Competition takes place every year at Jumping Amsterdam, but due to all the coronamation measures this event could not take place so a good alternative for the final was sought. This was found at the Subtop Dressage Days in the beautiful accommodation of the HJC Manege in Tolbert. Everything in Tolbert was taken care of down to the last detail so that the participants could ride a final worthy competition. Something that was very much appreciated by all participants and the judges.

Clear winner in the four-year-olds
Both classes were judged by judges Patricia Wolters and Monique Peutz who were full of praise for the finalists who appeared in the lane. Patricia Wolters said afterwards, "As judges we really enjoyed this great competition with an awful lot of quality horses. It was actually a pity that there were not more. In the four-year-olds there was one combination that stood out for us head and shoulders: Amber Hage with the stallion Mercurius ACM. This stallion is really exceptionally good, you would almost forget that he is only four years old. He has a lot of balance, beautiful scope and a nice constant touch. His switchability is also great and we rewarded him with a ten. Just like his trot for that matter. He was also very well worked by Amber and showed no tension at all. A pleasure to watch.

Amber herself also looks back with pride at the achievements of her homebred stallion. She says, "Mercury is a dream come true for me. He is so great, really special to experience. He also has a very sweet character and always does his best. When I ask him forward it's like he takes off, really a bizarre feeling. And when going back in pace, all I have to do is think about it and he already comes back. His switching ability is really amazingly good. It's so nice to be able to experience this with him and win this competition. It's all first time for him of course, but for me too and that's just super fun. We're going to see what the future brings us all. Our goal for this year is to work towards the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses, which I think is really great. We're already in the pipeline for the pre-selection, so I'm curious to see how he picks up on that.

Second place in the four-year-olds was taken by Beni Pachl with Hexagons Gorgeous Black Art. Judge Patricia Wolters: "This combination came into the ring first and we were immediately impressed by the high level. This stallion also has three very good gaits with a beautiful uphill canter. The scope was a bit sparing and could have been shown a bit more clearly, but otherwise a beautiful test of a beautiful combination.

Impressive winner five-year-olds
Also in the five-year-olds, Beni Pachl was back in the results list, this time at the very top with Hexagons Luxuriouzz. The Hungarian-born rider has been working as a stable rider at Stal Hexagon for over two years now and continues to score with the impressive chestnut stallion Hexagons Luxuriouzz. Judge Patricia says about this combination: "This stallion has a lot of power and power. He was nicely presented by Beni and showed good movements. He showed beautiful uphill movements and definitely shows a lot of quality and talent for the future. The same goes for number two, Bart Veeze with Supreme. This stallion was also very well presented and showed a lot of suppleness. In the scope the difference could only be shown a little clearer. Just behind Bart Veeze, Jill Bogers with Lennox US finished third. With this combination there was clearly some tension at the beginning of the test. Lennox was not quite at ease, but during the canter and certainly afterwards it got much better and you could see a clear difference. Then the qualities of the horse really came to the fore.

Five competitors were selected for the class for five-year-olds, only four appear in the final results. Patricia explains: 'Eline van Egmond rode the wrong test with Leonardo Da Silica and could not show us the correct test. So unfortunately we had to call her out, which of course is very unfortunate for a final.'

Results Final Subli Competition for Young Dressage Horses 2021

1. Amber Hage - Mercury ACM (by Dream Boy) - 91.6
2. Beni Pachl - Hexagons Gorgeous Black Art (by Toto jr) - 87.0
3. Renate van Uytert-Vliet - My Blue Horse Santiano (by Sezuan) 79.6
4. Sharon van Dijk - Montreux (by Gunner KS) - 78.2
5. Femke de Laat - Mission (by Eye Catcher) - 77.8.

1. Beni Pachl -Hexagons Luxuriouzz (by Johnson) - 85.6
2. Bart Veeze -Supreme (by Sezuan) - 81.2
3. Jill Bogers - Lennox US (by Grand Galaxy) 80.8
4. Dirk-Jan van de Water - Denton RMD (by Dream Boy) 75.4

Award ceremony for four- and five-year-olds

Subli Smikkels have been renewed!

Our familiar and super tasty horse snacks have been renewed. Subli Smikkels are not only in a new look, but also the taste and composition have been improved. There are four flavors available: Natural, Herbs, Apple & Carrot and Grain-Free.

Smikkels now even tastier and healthier

Subli's healthy horse treats have been improved in composition and taste. The sugar and starch content has been brought down. But that doesn't mean the Treats are any less tasty! The flavors have been improved by the addition of even more ingredients.

What's New?

1.5 kg resealable container

Subli Smikkels have received a metamorphosis. The Smikkels are now in a handy 1.5 kg bag. So it fits easily in the (back) bag. Thanks to the resealable strip, you can store the Smikkels after opening and keep them fresh for a long time without clips or rubber bands. Is the bag empty? Then the bag can be put in the PMD waste so that the material can be recycled.

Four flavors

Tasty and simple. The flavor natural is a classic among the Smikkels.

Apple & Carrot

This fresh flavor Smikkels contains real apple and carrot. Deliciously pure nature.


This unique Smikkel contains fenugreek and garlic. The spicy fragrance makes this one of the favorites of many horses and ponies.


Is your horse sensitive to grains? Then you can choose the grain-free variety. In addition, it contains an even lower sugar and starch content than the other flavors.

>View the updated assortment of Subli Smikkels.



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Bulk orders of 2 tons or more have no additional surcharges and/or shipping costs. Even better v.a. 3 tons, Subli gives a discount on the bulk price. Bulk orders under 2 tons have a surcharge of € 1.00/100 kg.
Bagged goods orders from 300kg also have no additional surcharges and/or shipping costs. Again, an additional discount applies for larger orders. From 500kg onwards, Subli offers additional discounts on the bagged goods price. Bagged goods orders between 100-299kg have an order surcharge of €15.00 per order.

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What do Subli's products cost?
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